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图标 名称 类别 等级
Jack Sparrow Costume 时装类 0
Winter Couple [ATK] 防具类 20
Winter Couple [ATK].G 防具类 20
Winter Couple [ATK].DG 防具类 20
Winter Couple [ATK].XG 防具类 20
Sugarplum Mary.s Treasure 箱子类 0
Sugarplum Mary.s Treasure (opened) 箱子类 0
Snowman Backpack 普通道具 10
Attendance ticket A 普通道具 0
Attendance ticket B 普通道具 0
Happy card 普通道具 0
New Year card 普通道具 0
Heart In Love 普通道具 0
Magical Couple t-shirt 时装类 20
Magical Couple t-shirt.G 时装类 20
Magical Couple t-shirt.DG 时装类 20
Magical Couple t-shirt.XG 时装类 20
Physical Couple t-shirt 时装类 20
Physical Couple t-shirt.G 时装类 20
Physical Couple t-shirt.DG 时装类 20

Servants of Bogeyman

职业限制 全职业
等級限制 0(0)
Hero! I need your help once more! I heard that some of the Bogeyman servants are causing trouble on outer lines of lime! Bring me their head for research and I will pay you. Atte: Garknitt.。
购买价格 - 0s
出售价格 - 0s
喂养值 - 0
PT值 - 0
Servants of Bogeyman 台服简体
Servants of Bogeyman 台服繁体
Servants of Bogeyman 美服