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图标 名称 类别 等级
钍(Th) 普通道具 0
Hunting the Grinch 任务道具 0
[The Devious Cupid] 任务道具 0
5th Anniversary Hat 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Top 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Bottom 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Shoes 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Hat.G 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Top.G 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Bottom.G 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Shoes.G 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Hat.DG 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Top.DG 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Bottom.DG 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Shoes.DG 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Hat.XG 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Top.XG 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Bottom.XG 防具类 10
5th Anniversary Shoes.XG 防具类 10
Amaranth Flower 普通道具 0

Mythic Christmas Chest (open)

等級限制 0(0)
This christmas box can be obtained only by the bravest heroes of Shiltz. May contain many types of powerful gear.。
购买价格 - 0s
出售价格 - 0s
喂养值 - 0
PT值 - 0