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搜索辅助 V1.0

服务器: 台服简体 台服繁体 国服 美服

分类: 道具 怪物

智能推荐: 怪物库优化中,暂不支持此功能

ID 名称 属性 等级 HP
10419 [Influential]Warrior Piya 无属性 54 6044
10418 [Influential]Warrior Piya 无属性 54 5896
10228 [Influential] Warrior Piya 无属性 36 2824
10227 [Influential] Warrior Piya 无属性 36 2755
10226 [Influential] Warrior Piya 无属性 36 2688
10225 [Skilled] Knight Piya 物理 30 2023
10223 [Skilled] Knight Piya 物理 30 1926
10224 [Skilled] Knight Piya 物理 30 1974
10222 [Skilled] Cleric Piya 无属性 29 1849
10221 [Skilled] Cleric Piya 无属性 29 1804
10220 [Skilled]Cleric Piya 无属性 29 1760
10219 [Skilled] Mage Piya 魔法 28 1406
10217 [Skilled] Mage Piya 魔法 28 1338
10218 [Skilled] Mage Piya 魔法 28 1372
10084 Warrior Piya 无属性 24 1301
10083 Warrior Piya 无属性 24 1269
10082 Warrior Piya 无属性 24 1238
10081 Knight Piya 物理 16 633
10080 Knight Piya 物理 16 618
10079 Knight Piya 物理 16 603
怪物名称 Lv102Passionate Servan 属性
HP 23008 攻击力 629
经验值 60940 防御力 388
出现地图 七彩领域(火世界)
道具类 宝石类 装备类
Rice Cake (Sesame) (0%)

7 Year Commemoration Material (0%)

Hot Blood (28.3809%)

Hot Sun (29.7324%)

Fire Element (9.0098%)

Charcoal heated with Red Flame (0.901%)

Ancient Hero.s Story Part 6 Piece (1.802%)

??? ?? (3.75%)

Folded Paper (king) (0%)

Folded Paper (doms) (0%)

??? ?? (0%)

Folded Paper (KING) (-73.5761%)

Gold Jewelry Box - Frozen Corpse Chinese Opera (Taiwan) (1.8%)

Soul of Swordsman (84.9%)

Crystal (0%)

Ruby (0.502%)

Diamond (0.102%)

Pink Diamond (0.069%)

Blue Water (0.0005%)

Geranium (0%)

Mecha Hammer (0.1559%)

Glare Blade.G (0.081%)

Armor of Starlight(T) (0.5673%)

Martial Arts Uniform(T) (5.6735%)

Mana Suit(T) (5.6735%)

Clothes of the Chosen(T) (5.6735%)

Loobie.s Squidguard (2.8367%)

Dancing Clothes(T) (4.3642%)

Architect.s Clothes(T) (4.676%)

Mana Shoes.G (0.0312%)

Clothes of the Chosen(B) (6.5463%)

Clothes of the Chosen(B) (0.0312%)

Shoes of the Chosen.G (0.0312%)

Orbital Mace.G (0.0312%)

Shoes of Sorcery (0.0312%)

Force Hammer (0.0623%)

Falcon Dagger (0.0623%)

Aura Dagger (0.0312%)

Metal Marble [Magical] (1.5587%)

各服版本名称 怪物库优化中,暂不支持此功能