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ID 名称 属性 等级 HP
10187 Aleph 70 9484
10188 Aleph 70 9722
10189 Aleph 70 9965
10742 [Mutated] Aleph 无属性 81 12114
10743 [Mutated] Aleph 无属性 81 12417
10744 [Mutated] Aleph 无属性 81 12727
10878 Cold Aleph 114 26473
10879 Cold Aleph 114 27135
10880 Cold Aleph 114 27813
11205 Blue Aleph 205 103103
11206 Blue Aleph 205 105681
11207 Blue Aleph 205 108323
11250 [Wrecker]Aleph 220 118665
11251 [Wrecker]Aleph 220 121631
11252 [Wrecker]Aleph 220 124672
12722 Aleph 无属性 300 102000
怪物名称 Lv70Aleph 属性
HP 9965 攻击力 435
经验值 34229 防御力 233
出现地图 希尔特边境、神秘洞穴(门内)
道具类 宝石类 装备类
Piya-gra (0%)

U (0%)

Moonstone (63%)

Aleph.s Crystal (0.9%)

Mark of Great Sage (6.25%)

Blue Crystal (15%)

Bird Egg (0.04%)

Lucky Card (1%)

Production Manual(ClD)9 (0.625%)

Pink Bird Egg (0.002%)

Piya-gra (1%)

Mark of Sakiel (85%)

Crystal (0.5175%)

Ruby (0.616%)

Diamond (0.0945%)

Pink Diamond (0%)

Green Wood (0.01%)

Geranium (0%)

Falchion.G (0.07%)

Club of Sanctity.G (0.07%)

Platinum Plunger (1.4%)

Nitras. Staff.G (0.07%)

Dancing Clothes.G(T) (0.07%)

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