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[Hard] Giant Beetle

ID 名称 属性 等级 HP
10577 [Hard] Giant Beetle 无属性 164 62893
10578 [Hard] Giant Beetle 无属性 164 64466
10579 [Hard] Giant Beetle 无属性 164 66077
怪物名称 Lv164[Hard] Giant Beetle 属性 无属性
HP 64466 攻击力 1069
经验值 45535 防御力 743
出现地图 幽灵坟场(第三、四层)
道具类 宝石类 装备类
Piya-gra (0%)

U (0%)

Extremely Hard Shell (39.9%)

Beetle.s Mandibles (27%)

Black Gooey Liquid (10%)

Production Manual(KD)20 (0.02%)

Renegade.s Breath (1.5%)

Defender.s Vow (1.5%)

Templar.s Breath (1.5%)

Apostle.s Vow (1.5%)

Wrath Skill Scroll (0.1%)

Confusion Scroll (0.1%)

Piya-gra (1.8%)

Ectoplasm (83.07%)

Crystal (0%)

Ruby (0.888%)

Diamond (0.198%)

Pink Diamond (0.054%)

Yellow Iron (0.01%)

Geranium (0%)

Shield of Prayer (0.072%)

Armor of Prayer(T) (0.072%)

Robe of Radiance(T) (0.072%)

Suit of Silence(T) (0.072%)

McIver.s Outfit(T) (0.072%)

Suit of Blaze(B) (0.072%)

Suit of Silence(B) (0.072%)

McIver.s Outfit(B) (0.072%)

Axe of Prayer (0.072%)

Duo Silencer (R) (0.072%)

Duo Silencer (L) (0.072%)

Pilgrim.s Mace (0.072%)

Hunter.s Arrow (0.072%)

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