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ID 名称 属性 等级 HP
10352 Gun 73 11473
10353 Gun 73 11760
10354 Gun 73 12054
10457 Gun 86 15996
10458 Gun 86 16395
10459 Gun 86 16805
11796 Gunner Bale 175 517958
11797 Gunner Bale 175 517958
11798 Gunner Bale 175 517958
怪物名称 Lv73Gun 属性
HP 12054 攻击力 450
经验值 38907 防御力 270
出现地图 十字湖
道具类 宝石类 装备类
Piya-gra (0%)

U (0%)

Eagle Feather (58.8%)

Boiling Blood (18%)

Bird Egg (0.04%)

Eagle Feather (2.5%)

Production Manual(KW)Chaos (0.375%)

Anthracite (0.5%)

Pink Bird Egg (0.002%)

Piya-gra (1.8%)

Crystal of Vinagh (85.26%)

Crystal (0.522%)

Ruby (0.624%)

Diamond (0.1035%)

Pink Diamond (0%)

Red Fire (0.01%)

Geranium (0%)

Eye Sore (1.4%)

Orbital Mace (1.4%)

Lump of Coal[Magical] (0.7%)

Steel Anchor (1.4%)

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