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ID 名称 属性 等级 HP
10718 Peroa 72 7811
10719 Peroa 72 8007
10720 Peroa 72 8207
12714 Peroa 无属性 300 102000
怪物名称 Lv72Peroa 属性
HP 8007 攻击力 457
经验值 37300 防御力 181
出现地图 封印之岛东部
道具类 宝石类 装备类
Piya-gra (0%)

U (0%)

Mithril (9%)

Fairy.s Seduction (53.6%)

Bundle of Dreams (22%)

Bituminous Coal (0.6%)

LaxativeBombManual(80) (0.3%)

Piya-gra (1.8%)

Crystal of Vinagh (84.08%)

Crystal (0.522%)

Ruby (0.624%)

Diamond (0.1035%)

Pink Diamond (0%)

White Spirit (0.01%)

Geranium (0%)

Might Hammer (1.4%)

Crescent Moon (1.4%)

Feather Pattern Shoes (1.4%)

Shoes of Grandeur (1.4%)

Feather Pattern Shoes (1.4%)

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